Invest in Your Heart Health

In 2030 over 12.1 million People will be Diagnosed with Atrial Fibrillation

Featuring :

Yoga Articles & Heart Monitor Devices for A-Fib Detection

Yoga Download
Namaste-Yoga Download

This shop represents all people who have Atrial Fibrillation and Heart Health conditions. Any product you see will be related to Atrial Fibrillation and the newest devices for treatment plus, Diet, Exercise, yoga attire and Accessories. Then there are those times you need to take a break and relax your mind from the daily grind. You may see some products to help you do just that.

My goal is to spread Atrial Fibrillation Awarenes to all who don’t know about A-Fib in hopes that they get diagnosed before it progresses. Stroke is the biggest fear when you have A-Fib, you must find ways to deal with stress factors. Go on a vacation, try a yoga class, meditation or if the ocean is your thing. Some people like to hike, leaving all the stressors behind, go camping or just plain relax at home.

Yoga is a big part of therapy for A-Fib patients. Studies show that Yoga can reduce stress levels and heart rate. So much, doctors are recommending yoga for their A-Fib patients!

Exercise is a Big Factor in Your A-Fib Success

Exercise Equipment To Keep You In The Game!

When you’re exercising, you’re pumping blood and oxygen to your heart, everybody knows that. When you have Atrial Fibrillation it’s important not to overdo anything that’s going to make your heart jump out of rhythm. Exercising at your normal pace is key to not triggering A-Fib symptoms.

If you’re just starting out in an exercise regimen, remember to start out slow, then add 5 minutes to your routine the 3rd day and 5 more minutes on the 5th day until you get up to 25 minutes or more per day.

Exercising with Yogawear for A-Fib

I am an A-Fib survivor, I was so out of breath just walking across the room, I’d have to sit down or lay down to catch my breath. I joined yoga class and got stronger as it motivated me, eventually I was walking farther and farther taking baby steps all the way.

Then one day I realized, I wasn’t breathing hard and was almost walking normal distances again. Baby steps…